Dentist Balwyn North

COVID 19 – Level 2 Restrictions Update

4th May, 2020: COVID 19 – Level 2 Restrictions Update

Hi Everyone

Our efforts in social distancing and following recommendations are thankfully making a difference!

From the 27th April, all dental practices have been advised by the Chief Medical Officer and Health Department to follow level 2 dental restrictions.

We are now able to provide not only emergency treatments, but dental examinations, fillings, root canal treatments and extractions. Routine teeth cleaning should still be postponed if possible.

Our surgery’s strong emphasis on preventive dental care results in more stable oral health. That has been evident in the last four weeks as only a handful of our patients needed access to emergency care and most of it was provided over the phone.

We are continuing to use precautions for your safety and care both with scheduling appointments and infection control measures.

Boroondara Family Dentist is now open Mondays and Thursdays 9am – 4:30pm and Fridays 10am- 2pm.

We are also asking our patients to delay their visit if:

  • They feel unwell, including but not limited to experiencing Covid-19 symptoms
  • Travelled overseas within the last 14 days
  • Had contact with a confirmed our suspected case of Covid-19 within the last 14 days

Keep well and stay healthy and we look forward to seeing you soon!

 Dental Clinic in Balwyn

For all appointments

Please call 03 9857 7886 or

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